Woman on freenfieldWoman on freenfield


your impact on

the environment

Through high-quality and
integrity carbon credits

Let's offset
your emissions?

In just a few steps you can offset your CO2e emissions

Offset your emissions here

Whether traveling by plane or upgrading your phone: our everyday actions generate gases, such as CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), that accelerate global warming. It is crucial to reduce and offset emissions of these substances to fight climate change and ensure sustainable development for the planet.

What is


Watch the video we have prepared on the topic.

And how does
help me offset my emissions?

We are ready to facilitate the commercialization of carbon credits.

Our portfolio consists of various projects, ranging from avoided emissions in electricity generation to the preservation of native forests.

We have already sold more than 4.6 million carbon credits to customers spread across more than 15 countries.

To learn more about Auren, click here
Auren heolic generator

We are a reference in the Brazilian market

with the best environmental, social and governance standards.

Woman on greenfieldWoman on greenfield


100% generation through renewable sources.

+1.2 M tons of CO2e avoided and certified per year.

Founder of “Legado das Águas”: largest Atlantic Forest reserve area in Brazil.

+77,000 hectares preserved in different biomes.

Legado Verdes do CerradoLegado Verdes do Cerrado


Signatories of the UN Global Compact.

In 2022, there were 44 social projects, benefiting +15,000 people.

Partnerships to promote education in +25 cities.

Supporter of the Votorantim Institute, which invested more of R$100 million in social projects in Latin Americain 2020.

Control centerControl center


Listed on Novo Mercado (B3).

Shareholders and executives aligned with long-term objectives.

Best practicesin Corporate Policies, Internal Controls and Advisory Committees.

Offset your emissions:

For you


For companies


For events


Projects you support by
offsetting your carbon emissions with Auren:

Legado Verdes do Cerrado

This environmental and social project operates in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Its objectives include ensuring the integrity of the forest, combating climate change, and promoting local social development.

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lady holding a plant
Ventos do Piauí I

Social and environmental investments in a region with a low Human Development Index (HDI). Initiatives such as extracting water for human consumption and training projects are part of this project.

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kids molding
Ventos do Araripe III

In this project we also have social and environmental investments in a region with a low Human Development Index (HDI). The investments are also very diverse, such as in the area of health, access to energy, conservation of native vegetation, education, between others.

lean more


Technical data

verra sealverra logo

We have attained the gold certification from the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program.

GHG Protocol Certificate

Do you have
any questions?

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with us

Frequently Asked Questions

green field with road

Let’s offset

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